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I live in desert regions with dry climate and I can spend long periods of time without drinking water. Thanks to my long ears, I can hear members of my herd from long distances.
I can change the colours of my skin and my large tongue helps me catch the food.
We live in Antarctica. Thanks to our strong bones we can swim fast. We have a thick layer of feathers that keeps us warm in the water.
Madagascar penguins
I live in forests and I have strong jaw muscles to eat the thick bamboo.
Po (Kung Fu Panda)
You can find me in different habitats: wetlands, forest, grassland, savanna and desert. I have a stong sense of smell and thanks to my ears I can hear soft and low sounds.
I live in tropical rainforests. The strips of my skin help me camouflage and preys can't see me. I have longer back legs that help me jump.
I live in the ocean. I'm not as good swimmer as other fish but I can hide within my anemode to avoid predators.
I live in Africa, I am a predator and I can camouflage in the grass so preys don't see me.