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Intermediate - Grammar

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I _______ (drop) my key when I _______ (try) to open the door.
dropped ; was trying
The house is dirty. I _______ (not clean) it for weeks.
have not cleaned
The bus was very full. There were too many people __ (on/in) it.
I _______ (travel) to many different countries in the world.
have traveled.
A: Do you want to join us for a cup of coffee after work? B: Let's see.... I _______ (let) you know then.
will let
I ________ (not visit) Paris before, so I really enjoyed the trip.
had not visited
I can't believe ___ (in/to) you anymore. I thought you were a friend ____ (of/to) me.
in ; to
Jane is going to Singapore next month. She has never been there so it will be an ____________ (exite) experience for her.
A: Have you seen "The Titanic" yet? B: Yes, I ________ (see) it last night.
(article) David learned to play _____ piano when he was at _____ university.
the ; the
Next year, I'm going to get married _____ (to/with) John.
When I left school, I cut my hair and _______ (wear) it short ever since.
have worn
I _______ (not see) him for three years. I wonder where he is.
have not seen
(article) We took _______ taxi to the airport.
The book shop is _______ (between/among) a coffee shop and an office building.
Britney Spears is famous ________ (for/by) her sweet voice.
____ (at/in) the end of the book, they get married and live happily ever after.
Yesterday, when we ______ (have) dinner, the phone _______ (ring).
were having ; rang
I _________ (know) my best friend since we ________ (to be) kids.
have known ; were
The movie wasn't as good as we expected. We were ________ (disappoint) with it.
We've already booked a table at our favorite restaurant. We ________ (eat) out tonight
are eating
(article) My friends live in ___ old house in ___ small village.
an ; a
When he arrived, all his classmates _______ (leave). No one was there.
had left
It is an __________ (interest) book. I like it.