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Y7 Science Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Ms Pollitt's favourite colour?
How old is Ms Pollitt?
What is Ms Pollitt's cat's name?
What type of circuit will have the same voltage at every lamp?
A parallel circuit
A material that lets electrons flow through it is called:
A conductor / ledare
After the ear drum vibrates, what happens next in the ear?
The 3 tiny bones vibrate
Energy that is stored in an object that isn't moving is called:
Potential / LĂ€gesenergi
What colours of light will black material absorb?
All the colours
What type of energy is in food?
What is the outer layer of the eye that protects your eye called?
Cornea/ hörnhinna
When you mix a solute into a solvent, what do you get?
A solution / lösning
What is the most common gas in the atmosphere?
Nitrogen/ KvÀve
What are the electrons on the outer orbital called?
Valence electrons
What two things are in the nucleus of an atom?
Protons and neutrons
What layer of skin has the hair, sweat glands, and blood vessels?
Dermis/ lÀderhud
What organ removes waste from your blood to make urine?
Kidneys/ njurar
What do you called the tubes that carry blood away from the heart?
Arteries / ArtÀrerna
An organism that feeds on dead plants and animals is called:
Decomposer/ nedbrytare
What are two things you must wear during a chemistry lab?
Lab coat, google, closed shoes, long hair tied up
What gas is used to do photosynthesis and what gas is created from photosynthesis??
Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen