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B2 level grammar

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Because of climate changes we have frequent floods. Change the sentence using LEAD and THEREFORE
Climate changes lead to frequent floods. There are many climate changes. Therefore we have frequent floods.
She was not able to help her best friend. Change the sentence using REGRET
She regrets not being able to help her best friend.
Finish the sentence with a question tag. She was learning Spanish while she attended high school ____________?
wasn't she?
You didn't have enough money to travel when you were a teenager. Imagine the opposite.
If I had had more money when I was a teenager, I would have travelled more.
correct the sentence: I wishe she told me the truth when I asked her.
I wish she had told me the truth when I asked her
how many times / they / visit Scotland / so far?
How many times have they visited Scotland so far?
Is this sentence correct: This book is much more older than they told me.
The project / already / finish. make a sentence
The project has already been finished.
Give one example using NEVERTHELESS
She told them the truth; nevertheless, they didn't trust her.
Ask me a question about my present habit with USED TO / wake up early
Are you used to waking up early?
Finish the sentence: He is angry because....
any answer with present perfect ot continuous
Finish the sentence: She was exhausted last night because.....
she had worked all day / she had been cleaning all day....
Which habit did your husband/boyfriend/friend have when they were younger?
He / She used to.....
Imagine you have alll the money you need... make a sentence
If I had all the money I need, I would....
I think somebody is breaking into my apartment. Put this sentence in passive.
I think my apartment is being broken into
Use the verb HAVE to express that you paid somebody to mow your lawn last week.
I had my lawn mown last week.
How long / he / study English ?
How long has he been studying Englsih?
I hope I ______________ in a well-known company this time next year.
I hope I will be working
Where _____________ (live) before you came to this neighbourhood?
Where had you lived before you came to this neighbourhood.
By the time I get to the airport, the plane ____________________________ (take off)
By the time I get to the airport, the plane will have taken off.