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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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you can go walk in there, you can play in there, you can go do a picnic there, there are many kids
ceremony; has a bride and groom; guests eat cake; celebration
majestic; high; snow-capped; can be climbed
swimming pool
big; has a deep and shallow end; filled with water; has a drain
fun; don't go to work; lasts a week or two; people go on trips during one
loyal; likes us; helps us with problems; fun to be with
cools us off; can be electric; can hang from ceiling; has blades
gives light; has wick; made from wax; can be scented
transportation; goes on a track; long and has many cars connected with each other; can ride in it.
a bag; wear it on your back; put books and other belongings in it
You call people. It's small and fits in your pocket. You talk to people, play games, and send text messages.
It's furniture. You sleep on it. It has a mattress, sheets, covers, and pillows.
You read it. It has a cover, title, and pages. It is rectangular and it's made from paper and cardboard.
It's a plant. It grows. It loses leaves in the fall. It has a trunk, branches, and leaves. You can sit under it. You can cut it down.
It's a building. You live in it. It has walls, rooms, and a roof.
It's an animal/pet. It barks, sits, eats, and poops. It is furry. It has four legs and a tail. You pet it and take it for walks.
you open and close it; part of an entryway or exit; has a knob/handle; made from wood, metal, or glass
lights up the room; has a cord, a bulb, and a shade; you turn it on and off
a vehicle; you drive it; has four wheels, doors, and an engine; can be expensive
round; throw it or catch it; comes in different sizes; used in sports or for fun