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Story of the world 1 Ch 14-17

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Why did Nebuchadnezzar built the Hanging Gardens?
to make his wife happier
Who did the king of Babylon marry?
1he king of Babylon built a famous________ to honor the chief goddess, Ishtar
Which country was never conquered by the Babylonians? a. Assyria b. Canaan c. Egypt
What was the name of the great king of Babylon? a. Nebuchadnezzar b. Ashurbanipal c. Marduk d. Ishtar
What did Ashurbanipal do so that people would remember him? a. He held a grand parade. b. He told many stories. c. He built a beautiful temple. d. He collected many books.
咀le Assyrians were almost impossible to beat because they a. fought in pairs b. used bronze swords c. dug tunnels under the ground d. wore so much armor
Which of these countries did the Assyrians not conquer? a. Babylon b. Egypt c. lndia d. Canaan
Ashurbanipal lived in the city of _______
1he Assyrian army used shields made out of___________
The Phoenicians started _______________ where their ships landed.
The Phoenicians used a. flowers b.gold c. snails d. cedar logs to make their special dye.
What was the color of the Phoenicians' famous dye?
What did the Phoenicians use to make glass? a. snails b. sand and lye c. rocks d. cedar logs
The Phoenicians sailed all around the ______________
The Phoenicians were the group of people living in_____
Where did the Israelites go when they left Egypt?
Who found a baby floating in a basket on the Nile?
Pharaoh's daughter
What did the pharaoh decide to do about the Israelites?
To kill every baby boy
Why were the Egyptians worried about the Israelites living in their country?
They were afraid that they might attack the Egyptians and take their kingdom away
Why did the Israelites move to Egypt?
There was a famine in Canaan where they lived
Why The israelites were unusual for the ancient world?
They were monotheists
卫le story of the Israelites leaving Egypt is found in the Bible in the book of ____
When the Israelites left Egypt, God parted the waters of the____________
Red Sea
_____________was an Israelite who grew up in the palace of the pharaoh.
The Egyptians made the Israelites their___________
Israelites are descended from_______