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Present continuous vs. Going to

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Anna _______ (start running).
is going to start
Fernanda _______ (play) the guitar at the new pub next month.
is playing / is going to play
I ________ (meet) Gina at the mall later today.
am meeting
We_______ (buy) a new house next year.
are buying
He _______ (study) tonight, so he can't go to the party.
is playing
My grandmother _______ (make) my favorite pizza for me on my next birthday.
is going to make
Janet _______ (start) working next week.
is starting
Simon _______ (study) Politics at the university.
is going to study
I'm _______ (travel) around the world before I get married.
going to travel
I can't go. Ricky and I _______ (play) chess this afternoon.
are playing
We _______ (go) to the movies tonight
are going
She _________ (do) her laundry this weekend.
is going to do
I_____________ (watch) TV this afternoon.
am watching
We ____________ (stay) at The Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas in our next trip.
are going to stay
They ____________ (go) shopping tomorrow morning.
are going
He ____________ (be) a mechanic when he grows up.
is going to be