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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you take a look at this graphic, you can see that the economy _____________(get) worse very soon.
is going to get
A: Did you remember to buy the tickets? B: Oh no, I forgot! I ______________ (buy) them online now.
'll buy
A: I can't find my keys. B: I____________(help) you look for them.
'll help
A: Why are you carrying your laptop? B: I___________(do) some homework on the train.
'm going to do
A: All the lights have gone off! B: Don't worry. I _______ (take) a look.
'll take
A: What are your plans after you leave university? B: I _________________ (work) in a hospital in Africa.
'm going to work
A: Why do you need to borrow my suitcase? B: Because I _________________ (visit) my mother in Scotland next month.
´m going to visit
A: We don’t have any bread. B: Really? I ________________ (get) some from the shop then.
´ll get
A: We don’t have any bread. B: I know. I _______________ (go) some. I took some money from your purse.
´m going to buy
A: Don't make so much noise. You _____ (waKe up) dad. B: OK. I _____ (stop)now.
are going to wake up / will stop
A: They are winning 2-1 and there are only 2 minutes left. They _____(win) this match. B: No, I think maybe Manchester United _____ (score) a goal in the last minute.
are going to win / will score
A: According to the voting intention numbers, I _____ (win) the election. B: What _____ (do) when you are the president?
'm going to win / are you going to do
A: Hurry up! The bus is leaving. You _____ (miss) it. B: No, I _____ (take) the train. It's faster.
are going to miss / 'm going to take
A: ______ (drive) to work today? B: Yes, but the traffic is awful, so I _____ (be) late.
Are you going to drive / 'm going to be
A: I need the camera because I _____ (take) some picures. But I don't know how it works. B: Don't worry. I _____ (show)you.
b. 'm going to take / 'll show
A: _____ (go) for a walk later? B: No. I _____ (stay) home.
Are you going to go / 'm going to stay
A: What _____ (do) after you graduate? B: I _____ (travel)around the world.
b. are you going to do / 'm going to travel
A: I've bought this paint because I _____ (paint) the kitchen. B: I'm sure it _____ (look) fantastic.
a. 'm going to paint / will look
A: I don't think he _____ come tonight. B: But he says he _____ come.
will / is going to