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Will / Wont

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make it negative: I will get up at 6:00 tomorrow
I will not get up at 6:00 tomorrow
They will ( wash / watch) TV later
I will (cleans / clean) my bedroom after class
she / Will / learn French / next year?
Will she learn French next year?
won't / do / he / the homework
He won't do the homework
Spot the mistake: They will washing the car next sunday
washing- we DO NOT add ing to the verbs with will
What will you eat for lunch?
I will eat...
What will you do tomorrow?
I will..
Make it affirmative: Will they practice English tomorrow?
They will practice English Tomorrow
Spot the mistake: They will don't watch the movie tonight
don't - the correct form is will not or won't
Spot the mistake: It will rains in the afternoon
rains - we do not add s to the verbs
He will (drink/eat) pizza for lunch
We (won't /don't ) have class next week
Make it negative: We will visit Paris next month
We won't visit Paris Next month
Make it question: She will buy a new computer
Will she buy a new computer?
They won't (sleeping / sleep) 8 hours tonight
She (will works /will work) tomorrow
will work
will play / she / the piano / at the party
she will play the piano at the party
Make it negative: They will play soccer next week
They will not / won't play soccer next week
He / to the party / will go / tomorrow
He will go to the party tomorrow