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Idioms B2 / C1 level

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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to pick sb's brain about sth means ... a) to pretend to be someone else b) to read sb's mind c) to ask for sb's opinion
c) to ask for advice or opinion about sth
to jog sb's memory means ...a) to make someone recall sth b) to make someone forget sth unpleasantc) to help sb memorise sth
a) to make someone recall sth
to rub shoulders (elbows) with sb means ... a) to be friends with sb b) to spend time socially with sb important c) to show sb your sympathy
b) to spend time with sb socially, especially someone important or famous
a stout-hearted person is ... a) generous b) over-romantic c) brave and determined
c) brave and determined
an underdog is somebody who ... a) helps others b) makes sure others are safe c) is the weakest or least likely to win
c) is the weakest or least likely to win / has less power or money
to be in a flap means .... a) to be in a difficult situation b) to behave in a nervous way c) to be in debt
b) to behave in a nervous way
a wild-goose chase is .... a) a totally unsuccessful search b) a search for answers to difficult questions c) making your dreams come true
a) a totally unsuccessful search and a waste of time because the person/thing does not exist
to put the wind up someone means to .... a) encourage sb to do sth b) push sb to the limits c) to frighten sb
to frighten sb
catch 22 situation is .... a) an impossible situation b) a surprising situation c) an awkward situation
a) an impossible situation when you are prevented from doing one thing until you have done another thing that you cannot do until you do the first thing
to cook the books means .... a) to prepare sth delicious b) to change numbers dishonestly in the accounts to steal money c) to become a master at cooking
b) to change numbers dishonestly in the accounts to steal money from it
to have kittens (UK) / to have a cow (US) a) to be very upset/ angry/ worried b) to be pregnant c) to be very happy
a) to be very upset/ angry/ worried about something
to take somebody for a ride means to ... a) show somebody around b) offer a lift c) deceive or cheat somebody
c) deceive or cheat somebody
a red herring is ..... a) something that catches your attention b) something that takes away your attention from a more important subject c) something that reminds you about something important
b) something that takes away your attention form a more important subjects
Dutch courage is ............... a) when you are extremely brave b) when you are cowardly c) when you are drunk and do things you normally wouldn't
c) when you are drunk and do things you normally wouldn't
Somebody who is big-headed is ... a) conceited, self-important b) businesslike c) very intelligent
a) conceited, self-important
If you have a frog in your throat you ......... a) are scared b) have difficulty speaking c) are extremely emotional
b) have difficulty speaking because your throat feels dry
a stag party is a party for ..... a) someone who has just bought a house/ a flat b) a man before he gets married c) a woman before she gets married
b) a man before he gets married
to kick the bucket means... a) to be really angry b) to start cleaning c) to die
c) to die