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Present Simple/Continuous, Past Simple (regular+ ...

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the past verb form: PLAY
What is the past verb form: TRAVEL
What is the past verb form: GRAB
What is the past verb form: TRY
What is the past verb form: FORGET
What is the past verb form: take
What is the past verb form: LEAVE
What is the past verb form: GO
What time is it? 1:45
It's quarter to two.
What time is it? 16:15
It's quarter past four.
What time is it? 5:30
It's half past five.
Name 5 wild animals in 30 seconds.
kangaroo, tiger, giraffe, monkey, hippo, shark, camel...
Name 5 baby animals in 30 seconds.
kid, kitten, lamb, duckling, piglet, calf, foal, puppy.
Name 4 pieces of housework in 30 seconds.
loading the dishwasher, vacuuming the floor, making the bed, tidying your room, setting the table, taking out the recycling
What is she doing right now? (make a full sentence)
She is jumping on the bed.
What is the dog doing right now? (make a full sentence)
The dog is loading the dishwasher.
What is she doing right now? (make a full sentence)
She is feeding her cats.
What are they doing right now? (make a full sentence)
They are dancing.
She swims in a pool. Where? Make a question
Where does she swim?
They go to school by bus. How? Make a question
How do they go to school?
You finish school at 3:30pm. When? Make a question
When do you finish school?
Where / she / ride / her bike . Make a question
Where does she ride her bike?
When / he / go / home . Make a question
When does he go home?
I speak Italian. Make it negative (-)
I don't speak Italian.
She writes a letter every month. Make it negative (-)
She doesn't write a letter every month.
They are eleven. Make it negative (-)
They aren't eleven.
Simon / have / two rabbits and five goldfish. Make a present simple sentence. (+)
Simon has two rabbits and five goldfish.
She / be/ six years old. Make a present simple sentence. (+)
She is six years old.
Mr Smith /teach / Spanish and French. Make a present simple sentence. (+)
Mr Smith teaches Spanish and French.
Janet / never /wear / jeans. Make a present simple sentence. (+)
Janet never wears jeans.