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Investment vocabulary

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A financial bank instrument providing investors a high return for a fixed deposit where the money cannot be withdrawn during a period of time
Fixed deposit account
Describe something that is not easy to sell and exchange for cash
A company that collects money from many people and invests it in stocks, bonds or other valuables. Ex:AFP Génesis
Mutual Funds
Shares of a company that are divided and sold to its owning members (Stocks / Values)
The income/money produced by a financial investment, usually given as a percentage of the cost
The payment for education, especially in colleges or universities
A fixed amount of money paid regularly to someone who no longer works for a company/gov for past services
An article of trade or commerce; especially a product that can be bought or sold that has not been changed/transformed into something with added value. Ex: Oil
A certificate issued by a bank to a person depositing money for a specific period of time
CD Certificate of Deposit
A financial instrument under which a person, corporation, or government guarantees to pay a sum of money on or before a specified day