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Electrical Power

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Which type of power station transfers gravitational potential energy from water?
Which type of power station transfers the energy from naturally hot rocks underground?
Geothermal power station
When using something with moving parts, how do you reduce the wasted energy transferred as heat (due to the friction force).
Lubrication (grease, oil etc.)
When using a TV, which type of transferred energy is being wasted?
When using a toaster, which type of transferred energy is being wasted?
Which of the two types of bulb is more efficient?
When using a hairdryer, which type of transferred energy is being wasted?
Would a plug still work without the earth wire?
Yes, the earth wire is for safety
What is the function of a step up transformer?
To increase the voltage of a supply to reduce energy loss in the cables.
Why could a country not only use wind turbines and solar panels to generate its electricity?
It's not always windy and its not always sunny
Burning fossil fuels releases sulfur oxides, what negative environmental effect is caused by sulfur oxides?
Acid rain
What affect is burning fossil fuels having on the environment?
Release CO2 which is a greenhouse gas - causing climate change
What is the equation to calculate electrical power?
P = V x I
What is a fuse?
A piece of wire which will melt and break the circuit if too much current is flowing.
Why is it dangerous to touch a live wire and the ground?
A current will flow through you. This can interrupt the rhythm of your heart and cause burns.
Will a bird be electrocuted if it sits on a national grid cable?
No, if it is only touching the live wire, it is not completing a circuit so no current flows.
What is the name given to a material that can conduct electricity?
A conductor
What is the name given to a material which can not conduct electricity?
An insulator
Name 3 renewable sources of energy used to generate electricity
wind, wave, solar, geothermal, hydro (gravitational potential energy), bio fuels
Which energy source used to generate electricity is non renewable, but not a fossil fuel?
Name 3 fossil fuel energy sources, used to generate electricity.
Coal, Oil, Natural gas
What is the frequency of the UK mains electricity supply (it's an A.C supply)
What type of supply does a coal power station produce, A.C or D.C?
What type of supply does a battery produce, A.C or D.C
What is the difference between an A.C supply and a D.C supply?
D.C one direction, constant size. A.C changing direction and changing size.
Why is the voltage stepped down by a transformer, to 230V before it enters our homes?
Why is the voltage stepped up to nearly 400 kV whilst the electricity travels across the cables in the national grid.
To reduce energy lost by heating in the cables.
What is the Ohms law equation?
V = I x R
What is the voltage of the UK mains electricity?
What is the name of the network of cables and transformers that bring electricity to our homes?
The national grid
What is the unit of power?
Watt (W)
What is the term for the rate of energy transfer?
If my PS4 runs with a current of 3A, which fuse should I choose to put in the plug for the PS4: 2A, 4A, 15A?
What colour is the earth wire in a plug?
Yellow and green
What colour is the neutral wire in a plug
What colour is the live wire in a plug?
What is the unit for current in a circuit?
Amps (A)
What is the unit for resistance in a circuit?
The Ohm
What is the term for the "energy transferred per unit charge"?
Voltage (potential difference)
What is the term for the rate of flow of charge around a circuit?