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Passive Voice

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I must do something.
Something must be done.
Last year, many cafes ___________(open) in our town.
were opened
We love our English teacher.
Our English teacher is loved by us.
Grandma gave us a candy.
A candy was given to us by grandma. / We are given a candy by grandma
A car _______________ (drive) by A.I. in the future.
will be driven
J.K.Rowling wrote the novel Harry Potter.
The novel Harry Potter was written by J.K.Rowling.
Chad ____________ (invite) to the party yesterday.
was invited
The new coach made some changes.
Some changes were made by the new coach.
Minjae waters the flowers.
The flowers are watered by Minjae.
Heavy rain caused the flood.
The flood was caused by heavy rain.
She opens the mail every morning.
The mail is opened by her every morning.
The boy killed the spider.
The spider was killed (by the boy)
My grandmother made the cake yesterday.
The cake was made (by my grandmother) yesterday
Jack did the work.
The work was done by Jack
This tree is very old. It ___________________(plant) in the 19th century.
was planted
Don’t turn round! I think we _______________ (follow)!
are being followed
This photo __________________(take) by my uncle when I was five.
was taken
You must not waste your money.
Your money must not be wasted.
People eat 40 million hamburgers every day.
40 million hamburgers are eaten every day.
Smoking _______________ (not allow) on planes.
is not allowed
The 2022 Football World Cup _______________ (hold) in Qatar.
was held
The world’s first motorways _______________ (build) in Germany in the 1930s.
were built
Macaque Monkeys may pull out your hair.
Your hair may be pulled out by macaque monkeys. 
They clean the windows every week.
The windows are cleaned every week.