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Comparatives and Superlatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It was ________ day of my life. (happy)
the happiest
Right or Wrong? She can be as more smart as my teacher.
Wrong: as smart as
Right or Wrong? That computer is as more advanced as this one.
Wrong: as advanced as
Right or Wrong?This car smells as fresh as a new car.
Right or Wrong? We need to go as far possible as to go.
Wrong: as far as possible
Britain is _______ Argentina. (small)
smaller than
The Everest is ________ mountain in the world. (high)
the highest
She is _________________ woman I have ever seen. (beautiful)
the most beautiful
She is _________________ person I know. (crazy)
the craziest
This exercise is ___________________ the previous one. (difficult)
more difficult than
She chose ________________ place to travel. (expensive)
the most expensive
These are ______________ pants I could find. (cheap)
the cheapest
Melisa is ________ her cousin. (young)
younger than
That restaurant is ______________ place to eat, it has really bad reviews. (bad)
the worst
This is __________ day of my life. (good)
the best
This book is _______ the one we read last year. (interesting)
more interesting than
The situation is __________ I thought. (bad)
worse than
This cheese is ___________ the one you bought last time. (good)
better than
Cheetas are ______ land animals. (fast)
the fastest
Your mobile phone looks _________ mine. (expensive)
more expensive than
She is _________ me. (big)
bigger than