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AD2 final lesson

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's Giovanni's favourite type of music?
What is Wanda's favourite English expression?
work-life balance
Where is Martha going in summer?
She is going to Indonesia
What was Alex's business?
An agroturismo
Who is going to pay for tonight's dinner at St Joseph?
Where are we going tonight?
We are going to Saint Joseph
When was Giovanni's first lesson?
When Martha was at home during her ankle injury, zoom lessons
What was Valeria C's favourite sentence at the end of the lesson?
Who is Andrea's teacher now?
Andrea's teacher is Emile
Why did Simona leave AD2? (ask Marco)
(open answer)
How many different people have been in AD2 at different times? Count everyone
12: Alex, Andrea, Marco, M Grazia, Valeria B, Valeria C, Elena, Giovanni, Wanda, Elisa, Simona, Gabriele
What is Valeria's least favourite grammar topic?
The difference between past simple and present perfect
Order and answer: Martha / ankle / break / did / when / her (?)
When did Martha break her ankle? In March
Who was the famous person who used the phrase "carrogna infame"?
Does Elisa work selling wine?
No, she doesn't, she sells office products
Order and answer: Maria Grazia / graduate / did / when (?) -- 2 months ago
When did Maria Grazia graduate? She graduated 2 months ago
Make a question asking where Valeria works.
Where does Valeria work? / At the Dinamo Sassari store
How long has Martha been teaching?
She has been teaching for 5 years / since 2017
What is Giovanni studying at University?
He is studying Law
Order the words: is / Marco / why / late / always (?)
Why is Marco always late?