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Complex Sentences

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She wants to go to Italy. She has to ask for time off from work.
If she gets time off from work, she will go to Italy.
Tommy really wants a puppy. His mom is allergic to dogs.
Tommy really wants a puppy even though his mom is allergic to dogs.
I failed my test. My mother will be very upset.
If/In the case that/since I failed my test, my mother will be very upset.
She bought the beautiful dress. She doesn't have a lot of money.
She bought the beautiful dress, although/even though/though she doesn't have a lot of money.
I really didn’t like the movie. The acting was good.
I really didn’t like the movie even though/though/although the acting was good.
Winter is coming. I think I'll knit a warm sweater because I'm always cold.
Since/Because/As winter is coming, I think I'll knit a warm sweater because I'm always cold.
It was very long. The movie was still enjoyable.
Although/Even though/Though it was very long, the movie was still enjoyable.
She returned the computer. She noticed it was damaged.
She returned the computer after she noticed it was damaged.
My coffee was too cold. I heated it in the microwave.
Since/As/Because my coffee was too cold, I heated it in the microwave.
I yelled at my mom. I was late for school.
I yelled at my mom because/as/since I was late for school.