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Music Conversation Questions

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Do you like origional sound tracks? If yes, what one do you like?
Yes, I like ... / No, I don't like them.
What was the last music you paid for?
I paid for ...
If you could be any musician in the world, who would you be and why?
I'd be ... because ...
What kind or style of music would it be weird for your parents to listen to? Why?
It would be weird if my parents stared listening to ...
Do you think that people form different cultures react to music in different ways?
I think ...
Do you prefer listening to songs in your own language or in another language? Why?
I like ...
Do you think it is wrong to download music for free?
Yes, I think it's okay./ No, it;s not okay.
Who is the most famous musician from your country?
The most famous is ...
What makes a song popular for you, the lyrics of the song or the melody?
I like music that has ...
Do your brothers and sisters also love music? What music are they into?
Yes, he / she does. He / She is into ...
Do you think the use of drugs or alcohol by some musicians increases their artistic creativity?
Yes, I do. / No, I don't
How important do you think a good music teacher is to mastering an instrument?
I think a a good music teacher is important / not important to mastering a musical instrument.
Do you think that animals can enjoy music? How do you know?
I think ...
Do you think music can heal sick people?
Yes, I do. / No, I don't
Have you ever sung in front of people?
Yes, I have / No, I haven't
Why do you think music is important and how does it affect different people?
I think music ....
Who is your favorite singer?
I like ... because ...
What was your favorite music five years ago? 10 years ago? How have your musical tastes changed?
Yes they have. I used to like ... but now I like. / No they haven't. I still like ....
What musicians did you like when you were in junior high school? How about high school?
I liked ...
What kind of music do your parents listen to?
My parents listen to ... and I think it's ....
What kind of music do you listen to to cheer you up?
I listen to ... to cheer me up
What is your favorite karaoke song to sing?
I like ...
What is one of your favorite songs? Why do you like it? When did you first hear it? Who sings it?
I like ... by ... because ... The first time I heard it was ...
What do you think of manufactured bands? Can you name any?
I can name .... They are ...
What are some special or traditional musical instruments in your country?
In Thailand we have the ...
Is there any kind of music that you hate?
Yes, I don't like ... / No, I like all music.
If you were a song, what song would you be and why?
I would be ... because the song is ... and I am ...
If you could start a band, what type of music would you play? Why?
I would start a .... band because ...
If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be?
I would like to learn to play the ...
How often do you listen to music?
I listen to music .. every day / many times a week / hardly ever.
How much time do you spend listening to music?
I spend ...hours a week / a day listening to music.
How does music make you feel?
... makes me happy / calm / excited / motivated / sad ect
Have you ever been to a concert?
Yes, I have. My first concert was ... / The last concert I went to was. / No, I haven't but I'd like to see .... live.
Do you think your favorite music twenty years from now will be the same as it is today?
Yes, I do I'm still going to like .... / No, I don't.
Do you sing while taking a shower?
Yes, I do / No, I don't
Do you listen to music while doing your homework?
Yes, I do / No, I don't
Do you like to dance?
Yes, I do / No, I don't
Do you like to listen to country music?
Yes, I do. / No, I don't. (Why)
Who is your favorite singer?
My favorie singer is ...
Do you know the band named Metallica? If so, do you like them?
Yes, I do. They are ... / No, I've never heard of them.
Do you have an expensive stereo system?
Yes, I do. No, I don't
Can you read music?
Yes, I can / No, I can't
Can you play a musical instrument? If so, what do you play? How long have you been playing? Are you good at it?
Yes, I can. I can play the ... / No, I can't
Can you concentrate on other things when you are listening to music?
Yes, I can / No, I can't
Are you a good singer?
Yes, I am / No, I'm not. (Demonstarte?)
What kind of music do you like?
I like ...