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Wh- questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who - you - live with? I live with my parents.
Who do you live with?
what - you - do- last night? I watched a movie
What did you do last night?
what - be - the weather like yesterday?
What was the weather like yesterday?
where be - you - yesterday? At home
Where were you yesterday?
your sister - study - every day?
Does your sister study every day?
you - go - to school - yesterday?
DID you go to school yesterday?
How much - that jacket - cost?
How much does that jacket cost?
How much - those pants - cost?
How much do those pants cost?
What - you - get - on your last birhtday?
What did you get on your last birthday?
who - you - talk to - now?
Who are you talking to now?
Whose - that cell phone?
Whose is that cell phone?
What - your brother - do - every night?
What does your brother do every night?
Where - you - go - now?
Where are you going now?
when- you - read - that book? Last month.
When did you read that book?
Why .........they sleeping now? Because they are tired.
Why ARE they sleeping now?
When ........ you buy that? Last week.
When DID you buy that?
How often ...............your sister go out? She goes out evey weekend.
How often DOES your sister go out?
.................did you hit him? Because he was being rude.
WHY did you hit him?
................money have you got in your wallet? I've got 100$
HOW MUCH money have you got in your wallet?
.....................is that car? It's Tom's.
WHOSE is that car?
...............do you take a shower? Once a day.
HOW OFTEN do you take a shower?
...........do you like the best? The blue or the pink dress?
WHICH one do you like the best?
..............books have you read? 7 so far.
HOW MANY books have you read?
............are your books? On the table.
Where are your books?
............is your best friend? "Natalie"
WHO is your best friend?