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Irregular verbs

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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leave - _____ - left
leave - left - left
drive - _____ - driven
drive - drove - driven
bring - ______ - brought
bring - ______ - brought
have - ____ - had
have - had - had
get - ____ - got
get - got - got
buy - ______ - bought
buy - bought - bought
meet - ____ - met
meet - met - met
swim - ____ - swum
swim - swam - swum
drink - _____ - drunk
drink - drank - drunk
go - ____ - gone
go - went - gone
eat - ___ - eaten
eat - ate - eaten
take - ____ - taken
take - took - taken
see - ___ - seen
see - saw - seen
put - ___ - put
put - put - put
find - _____ - found
find - found - found
read - ____ - read
read - read - read
speak - _____ - spoken
speak - spoke - spoken
lose - ____ - lost
lose - lost - lost
say - ___ - said
say - said - said
be - ___ - been
be - was - been
do - ___ - done
do - did - done
run - ___ - run
run - ran - run