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Really simple Simple Present

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He do/ does her math exercises.
He does her math exercises.
I do/ does all the cooking today.
I do/ does all the cooking today.
She writes/ write five letters for him.
She writes five letters for him.
My father always makes/ make breakfast for us.
My father always makes breakfast for us.
We have/ has a nice garden.
We have a nice garden.
She am/are/is 6 years old.
She is 6 years old.
I am/ are/ is from Vietnam.
I am from Vietnam.
Simon has to feed/ have to feed/ has to feeds his five cats.
Simon has to feed his five cats.
He has/have/haves a lot of homework after school.
He has/have/haves a lot of homework after school.
Janet never wear/ wears jeans.
Janet never wears jeans.
The boys like to listen/ likes to listen/ like to listens to music.
The boys like to listen to music.
She like to drink/ likes to drink/ like to drinks lemonade very much.
She likes to drink lemonade very much.
I always run/ runs to the bus stop.
I always run to the bus stop.
Peter and his sister wash/ washes the family car.
Peter and his sister wash the family car.
It often rain/rains on Sundays.
It often rains on Sundays.
Emily usually go/goes to the tennis class.
Emily usually goes to the tennis class.
We sometimes buy/buys books
We sometimes buy books