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Problem Solving

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I forgot my gloves and it is cold outside. What could I do?
Put my hands in my pockets.
I got pizza sauce on my shirt. What can I do?
Put on a clean shirt and put the dirty shirt in the wash.
You have a disagreement with your mom. You are really upset. What should you do?
Do something else to calm down. Once you are relaxed, apologize for making her upset (e.g. "I'm sorry I got mad with you") and give her a hug.
My water spilled inside my bookbag! What could I do?
Dry everything in the bag.
I bought some fries for lunch at school. I forgot to buy ketchup. What could I do?
Ask a friend for some of their ketchup.
I am getting my lunch ready. I have burgers and fries in the freezer. What should I do?
Get a burger and some fries out of the freezer to cook.
I am reading in class and I don't understand what it means. What could I do?
Ask a teacher for help.
It is lunch time. I have a half hour to eat lunch. When lunch is over, I still have a lot of food on my plate. What should I do?
Save the food in a container for tomorrow's lunch.
Someone is standing too close to me. I feel uncomfortable. What could I do?
Say, "Excuse me, I need a little more space."
I left my favorite jacket on the playground. Now I can't find it. What should I do?
Go and look for it. Check the lost and found.