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..... Great Wall of China is said to be ..... only man-made structure seen from ..... space.
THE Great Wall of China is said to be THE only man-made structure seen from ---- space.
In ..... past, ..... education was only free at schools run by ..... church.
In THE past, ---- education was only free at schools run by THE church.
..... dentist I go to has ..... really good way of making you forget ..... pain.
THE dentist I go to has A really good way of making you forget THE pain.
My uncle is ..... managing director of ..... company that makes ..... plastic goods.
My uncle is THE managing director of A company that makes ---- plastic goods.
I won’t be ..... home for ..... dinner this evening, I’m going to ..... cinema with some friends.
I won’t be ---- home for ---- dinner this evening, I’m going to THE cinema with some friends.
..... British people shake ..... hands when they meet, but not as often as ..... Swedes.
---- British people shake ---- hands when they meet, but not as often as THE Swedes.
..... popcorn was invented by ..... Native American Indians, but it’s not clear where ..... snack food first appeared.
---- popcorn was invented by ---- Native American Indians, but it’s not clear where THE snack food first appeared.
It’s interesting to look at ..... old maps of ..... world and see how ..... borders have changed.
It’s interesting to look at ---- old maps of THE world and see how ----/THE borders have changed.
I was thinking of making ..... lasagna for ..... lunch, but we can go to ..... restaurant if you like.
I was thinking of making ---- lasagna for ---- lunch, but we can go to A restaurant if you like.
As soon as Jim got ..... home, he went straight to ..... bed because he felt as if he had ..... flu.
As soon as Jim got ---- home, he went straight to ---- bed because he felt as if he had ----/THE flu.
On ..... first of April, it is ..... custom for British people to play ..... tricks on each other.
On THE first of April, it is THE custom for British people to play ---- tricks on each other.
I don’t usually enjoy ..... films with subtitles but I absolutely loved ..... German film which won ..... Oscar for best foreign film this year.
I don’t usually enjoy ---- films with subtitles but I absolutely loved THE German film which won THE Oscar for best foreign film this year.
When we went to ..... wedding we couldn’t park near ..... church so we had to take ..... taxi.
When we went to THE wedding we couldn’t park near THE church so we had to take A taxi.
My sister doesn’t normally like ..... heights, but she managed to climb to ..... top of ..... Eiffel Tower.
My sister doesn’t normally like ---- heights, but she managed to climb to THE top of THE Eiffel Tower.
Whenever I’m in London, I take ..... bus to ..... Science Museum and spend ..... morning looking around.
Whenever I’m in London, I take THE bus to THE Science Museum and spend THE morning looking around.
I love eating at ..... Mario’s. I think it’s ..... best pizza in ..... city.
I love eating at ---- Mario’s. I think it’s THE best pizza in THE city.
..... man who robbed ..... bank in Zurich was sent to ..... prison for eight years.
THE man who robbed A bank in Zurich was sent to ---- prison for eight years.
I’m not usually frightened of ..... spiders, but ..... spiders in ..... zoo were enormous!
I’m not usually frightened of ---- spiders, but THE spiders in THE zoo were enormous!
..... Lake Superior, in Canada, is ..... biggest lake in ..... world.
---- Lake Superior, in Canada, is THE biggest lake in THE world.
..... quickest way to get from London to Oxford by ..... car is to take ..... M40 motorway.
THE quickest way to get from London to Oxford by ---- car is to take THE M40 motorway.
..... River Ebro in ..... Spain flows into ..... Mediterranean Sea.
THE River Ebro in ---- Spain flows into THE Mediterranean Sea.
I went to ..... university the year after I finished ..... school, but first I worked as ..... au-pair in Italy for six months.
I went to ---- university the year after I finished ---- school, but first I worked as AN au-pair in Italy for six months.
..... first state in ..... USA where ..... women could vote was Wyoming.
THE first state in THE USA where ---- women could vote was Wyoming.
James had ..... accident while he was skiing in ..... Austria and now he’s in ..... hospital.
James had AN accident while he was skiing in ---- Austria and now he’s in ---- hospital.
..... Kremlin is probably ..... most famous building in ..... Moscow.
THE Kremlin is probably THE most famous building in ---- Moscow.