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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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CORRECT THE MISSTAKE; He has just make lunch
CORRECT THE MISSTAKE: She have just waken up
she has just
CORRECT THE MISSTAKE: She have worked in the supermarke for 3 months
She has worked
CORRECT THE MISSTAKE: they have lived in Barcelona for 2018
since 2018
Transfrom to negative: He has worked in this school since 2015
he hasn't worked in this school since 2015
Transfrom to interrogative: They have just eaten breakfast
Have they just eaten breakfast?
Transfrom to interrogative: It has just played with the ball.
Has it justplayed with the ball?
Transfrom to negative: I have watched a lot of Tv these days.
I haven't watched a lot of tv these days.
Transfrom to interrogative: They haven't spoken to their friends recently.
Have they spoken to their friends recently?
They haven't ___________ (speak) to hteir friends recently
I have ________ (watch) a lot of Tv these days
It _____ juts ______ (play) with the ball
they _____ just _____ (eat) breakfast
He has _________ (work) in this school _____ 2015
She has _________(live) in Australia___ 3 years