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B2 First Summer Fun

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How can you tell that the ocean is friendly?
It waves!
What did the beach say to the tide when in came in?
Long time no sea!
What's black and white and red all over?
A sunburned zebra
What do you call a snowman in July?
A puddle.
What does the sun drink out of?
Why do bananas use sunscreen?
Because they peel.
Would you rather: Spend the summer travelling wherever you want but with no internet or have the internet but stay at home all summer?
Would you rather: Have your whole body turn bright blue whenever you get wet or have your hair turn neon green whenever you are in sunlight?
Would you rather: Have to go on a long hike in the woods without any shoes or socks or have to spend a day at the beach wearing your winter coat?
Would you rather: Always feel like there is sand in your hair or always feel as if there is sand in your toes?
Would you rather: Be immune to mosquitoes or never get sunburned?
Would you rather: live in house boat or live in a tree house throughout the whole summer?
Would you rather: Would you rather vacation in the mountains or at the beach?
What are the most popular summer destinations for tourists in Poland?
What are your favorite summer fruits and vegetables?
What are some things that you liked to do in the summer when you were a child?
What’s your favourite summer memory?
What do you like to do in summer that you can’t do at other times of the year?
How do you feel when summer arrives?
What things about summer do you like most and lea
What images spring to mind when you hear the season “summer’?