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Things and Things

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Things you shouldn't touch
Things you wish worked by remote control
Things you never see on television
Things you wish you could do with your feet
Things that would make golf more exciting
Things fish think about as they swim in their aquarium
Things that shouldn't be lumpy
Things that confirm you are losing your memory
Things that seem to take an eternity
Things you shouldn't do in a car
Things that cause trouble
Things kids know more about than adults
Things that are harder than they look
Things that go bad
Things that confirm you are guilty
Things you wish grew on trees
Things there should be an award for
Things that you shouldn't do at the dinner table
Things you wouldn't want to clean
Things that give you a headache
Things you would ask a psychic
Things you shouldn't tie to the roof of your car
Things you shouldn't lick
Things you shouldn't do with glue
Things you shouldn't attempt to juggle
Things you return from your Christmas gifts
Things you don't want to find in your bed
Things you can never find
Things you wouldn't want to be allergic to
Things that you can trip over
Things that smell terrible
Things that confirm your house is haunted
Things not to do in a hospital
Things you should never put in your mouth
Things grown-ups wish they could still do
Things dogs are actually saying when they bark