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Give Me an A

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm a mermaid who lives under the sea. My best friend is a fish. Who am I?
I have 2 letter A's in my name and you can find me high in the sky. What am I?
My name starts with and ends with the letter A. I have a sister and we were in a famous movie with songs children love to sing. Who am I?
I am half-human and can communicate with sea creatures. Who am I?
We are a bunch of superheroes and together we start with an A. Who are we?
I am a musician who likes to name my albums my age. I'm from London. Who am I?
I am the most streamed female artist ever. My name starts with and ends with an A. Who am I?
Ariana Grande
I begin with an A and end with an A but have 3 more A's in the middle. Magicians shout my name when they perform a trick. What am I?
One of me a day keeps the doctor away. I start with the letter A. What am I?
I'm green, I'm a vegetable and I have 3 letter A's in my name. What am I?
They thought I was extinct but I am not. My name starts with an A, twice. What am I?
Aye Aye
We start with an A and you really don't like us at picnics. What are we?
You hate me in the morning when it's time to wake up, I have 2 A's in my name. What am I?
I have 2 letter A's in my name, to give you a hint, my best friends are nachos. What am I?
I am a 5-letter word that has 2 letter A's, my definition is 'to do something over', what am I?
I am a country that starts and ends with an A, what am I?
Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria