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Adult Fun Mix

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name two items that go with pizza
pepperoni, crust, sauce, cheese, wings, salad, etc.
Name two items that go with rain
umbrella, raincoat, boots, puddles, clouds, thunder, lightning, etc.
Name 10 countries
Belgium, United States, Canada, Mexico, China, Egypt, Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Ireland, Thailand, Japan, England, Switzerland, etc.
Name 10 things that are green.
broccoli, cabbage, celery, cucumber, emeralds, grass, leaves, lettuce, limes, peas, plants, shamrock, spinach, army men, nauseous person, Christmas trees, etc.
Name 10 types of transportation
airplane, bicycle, boat, bus, car, ferry, helicopter, horse, hot air balloon, motorcycle, scooter, ship, subway, truck, wagon, van, etc.
Name 10 things that can be read.
book, Bible, billboard, newspaper, catalog, website, text message, comic book, cookbook, recipe, sign, greeting card, music, map, magazine, list, etc.
Name 10 things that are round
ball, pizza, bracelet, cookie, donut, bagel, lifesaver, marble, moon, orange, pancake, pea, pearl, plate, ring, tire, etc.
Name the category: Alabama, Georgia, West Virginia
Southern states of the US
Name the category: inch, foot, mile
units of length
Name the category: grass, spinach, peas
things that are green
Name the category: French, Spanish, Italian
Name the category: parrot, parakeet, dove
Add three items to the category: Truman, Kennedy, Lincoln
Washington, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, FDR, Obama, etc.
Add two items to the category: axe, knife, scissors
razor, saw, wire cutters, xacto knife, etc.
Name the category: banana, lemon, corn
things that are yellow
Name the category: firefighter, lawyer, nurse
occupations, professions, jobs
Name things a kitten does
meows, plays, sleeps, eats, chases, purrs, scratches, jumps, drinks milk, etc.
Name the items necessary to complete the task: take your dog for a walk
leash, collar, poop bags, dog
Name the items necessary to complete the following task: decorate Easter Eggs
eggs, vinegar, dye, cups
Name the object described: An official count of the population.
Name the object described: A book of maps.
Finish the sentence: I need to renew my driver's ___________
license, permit
Finish the sentence: If a boat springs a leak it might _____________
Complete the phrase: fun and _____________
games, etc.
Complete the phrase: plain and _________________
Finish the phrase: We iron our ___________
clothes, hair
Complete the phrase: A dozen __________
eggs, donuts, etc.
Name the category: Aladdin, Lion King, Little Mermaid, Lady & the Tramp, 101 Dalmatians
Disney Movies
Name 10 fruits
apple, banana, grape, blueberry, strawberry, watermelon, pineapple, raspberry, orange, pear, cantaloupe, honeydew, plum, apricot, peach, nectarine, etc.
Complete the phrase: "A flock of ____________"
seagulls, birds, sheep, etc.
Complete the phrase: "A jar of ______________"
pickles, mayonnaise, mustard, etc.
Name the category: San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Jose
cities in California
Name 10 things you find in a kitchen.
stove, refrigerator, plates, silverware, table, sink, microwave, pots/pans, blender, spatula, whisk, etc.