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KB4 What's the Question?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I couldn't go shopping because my mom said I must clean my room.
WHY DÄ°DN'T you go shopping?
Because school is out for the summer! :)
WHY ARE you (_________)?
I was crying because my puppy got sick.
WHY WERE you crying?
I think caramel ice cream is better than vanilla.
WHICH ice cream (do you think) is better, caramel or vanilla?
My dog's names are Spot & Bo.
WHAT ARE your dog's names?
They went to the sea once a year.
HOW OFTEN DÄ°D they go to the sea?
No, it wasn't. That movie was bad.
WAS the/that movie good?
Mrs. Mallard was my favorite teacher.
WHO WAS your favorite teacher?
They're my cousins, Sam & Josh.
WHO ARE they?
The shoes were mine, but I gave them to my sister.
WHOSE shoes WERE they?
He goes home by bike.
HOW DOES he go home?
They usually go to school by bus.
HOW DO they (usually) go to school?
We went to Antalya by plane.
HOW DÄ°D you go to Antalya?
It's Tom's bag.
WHOSE bag is it?
She is a princess.
WHO is she?
There are thirteen desks.
HOW MANY desks are there?
The skateboard was in the kitchen.
WHERE WAS the skateboard?
Yes, they are. They are very funny.
ARE they funny?
No, she isn't. She is from Italy.
IS she from (______)? (Italy hariç)
There was one dog at the park.
HOW MANY dogs WERE at the park?
His birthday is in June.
WHEN IS his birthday?
Her party was last Saturday.
WHEN WAS her party?
Her favorite vacation place was Çesme.
WHERE WAS her favorite vacation place ?   WHAT WAS her favorite vacation place?
He eats spaghetti every week.
HOW OFTEN does he eat spaghetti?
Her e-mail address is joahn@net.com.br.
WHAT'S her e-mail address?
They usually visit their grandparents every Sunday.
HOW OFTEN do they visit their grandparents?
Her phone number was 435-0332 last year.
WHAT WAS her phone number last year?
His phone number is 763-1278.
WHAT'S his phone number?
I'd like the yellow pencil please.
WHICH pencil would you like, the yellow one or the green one?
He's nineteen years old.
HOW OLD is he?
She was 90 when she died.
HOW OLD WAS she when she died?
I'm from Brazil.
WHERE are you from?
They were born in Sweden.
WHERE WERE  they born?
He's from Japan.
WHERE Ä°S he from?
My name is Christian.
WHAT'S your name?