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40 Brainteasers

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you know where you can find cities and countries, towns and shops, roads and lakes, but absolutely no people whatsoever?
a map
What is something you can serve but shouldn’t ever eat?
volleyball or tennis ball
If you see an electric train headed east at 70 an hour but there is a wind blowing in from the west at 80 miles an hour, which way is the smoke from the train going to blow?
An electric train doesn't have smoke.
I am filled with keys but have no locks. I have space but there are no extra rooms. Sure, you can enter but there is absolutely no exit. What am I?
Can you think of something that’s as light as a feather but even the world’s strongest human couldn’t hold it for any longer than 4 minutes?
Do you know the name of the invention that lets you look instantly right through any wall you want?
Agatha’s mother has five different daughters. One’s name is Danielle, one’s name is Brittany, one’s name is Samantha, another is named Rebecca. What’s the name of the fifth daughter?
If a plane crashed on the border of England and Scotland, where would they bury the survivors?
You don’t bury survivors.
If there’s a frog, dead in the center of a lily pad which is right in the middle of the pond, which side would it jump to?
Neither, the frog is dead.
You’re a bus driver. At the first stop, 4 people get on. At the second stop, 8 people get on, at the third stop 2 people get off and, at the fourth stop everyone got off. The question is what color are the bus driver’s eyes?
Whatever color eyes you have!
A man went outside in the pouring rain with no protection, but not a single hair on his head got wet. How come?
The man was bald.
Jeff’s dad has three sons: Snap, Crackle, and ___?
What has a mouth but doesn’t eat? A bank with no money? A bed but doesn’t sleep and waves but no hands?
a river
A cowboy rode to an inn on Wednesday. He stayed two nights and left on Wednesday. How could that be?
His horse was named Wednesday.
What gets wetter & wetter the more it dries?
Ten copycats were sitting in a boat. One jumped out. How many were left?
If there are three apples and  you took away two, how many do you have?
What has a head and a tail but no body?
If the red house is on the right side and if the blue house is on the left side where’s the white house?
Washington, DC
Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
Mount Everest
What happened in 1961 and will not happen again until 6009?
The year will again be the same upside down.
Rico the rabbit eats 1 carrot on Sunday, 2 carrots on Monday, 4 carrots on Tuesday, and so on. How many carrots does he eat every week?
127 (1+2+4+8+16+32+64=127)
Frankie the frog had an accident and broke one of his legs. He went to the hospital on Monday, November 1 and left on November 30. What day of the week is it?
What day of the week is today? That's your answer.
Paul the polar bear had a birthday party, with each guest bringing five fish. A nasty little penguin stole two fish but there were still 198 fish left. How many people came to the party?
Jason turned left, right, spun around 360°, stood on his head, and then walked backward before taking a picture of the sunset. What direction was he pointing?
What letters are easily found in every single day of the week?
Can you add one mathematical symbol in between 55555 to equal 500?
A mouse wants to get in better shape. She’s going to start by climbing the stairs. Starting on the 4th floor, she climbs up 5 stories, down 7 stories, up 6 stories, down 3 stories, and up 4 stories again. What floor is she on?
9th floor
What has to be broken before you can use it?
What is the end of everything?
I turn once, what is out will not get in. I turn again, what is in will not get out. What am I?
What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
Turn us on our backs and open up our stomachs, and you will be the wisest but at the start a lummox. What are we?
How many letters are there in: the English alphabet?
I am always hungry and will die if not fed, but if you water me, I’ll die. What am I?
A word I know, six letters it contains, remove one letter and 12 remains, what is it?
With pointed fangs I sit and wait; with piercing force I crunch out fate; grabbing victims, proclaiming might; physically joining with a single bite. What am I?
What five-letter word gets shorter when you add two letters to it?
What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
People make me, save me, change me, raise me. What am I?