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To or At?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm going ___ _______________.
I'm going to _______________.
We're waiting ___ _______________.
We're waiting at _______________.
They're on their way ___ _______________.
They're on their way to _______________.
She's meeting him ___ _______________.
She's meeting him at _______________.
He took the bus ___ _______________.
He took the bus to _______________.
I left it ___ _______________.
I left it at _______________.
We had to walk ___ _______________.
We had to walk to _______________.
They ate lunch ___ _______________.
They ate lunch at _______________.
She took them ___ _______________.
She took them to _______________.
He stayed ___ _______________.
He stayed at _______________.
I want to go ___ _______________.
I want to go to _______________.
We met her ___ _______________.
We met her at ___ _______________.
You should come ___ _______________.
You should come to _______________.
You should come ___ the mall.
You should come to the mall.
We met her ___ his apartment.
We met her at his apartment.
I want to go ___ the beach.
I want to go to the beach.
He stayed ___ the party.
He stayed at the party.
She took them ___ her friend's house.
She took them to her friend's house.
They ate lunch ___ the bar.
They ate lunch at the bar.
We had to walk ___ their place.
We had to walk to their place.
I left it ___ work.
I left it at school.
He took the bus ___ school.
He took the bus to school.
She's meeting him ___ home.
She's meeting him at home.
They're on their way ___ the hotel.
They're on their way to the hotel.
We’re waiting ___ the station.
We’re waiting at the station.
I'm going ___ the airport.
I'm going to the airport.