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I'm Loving It!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Finish the sentence about you: I really love .............. in the winter.
I really love making snowmen in the winter.
like / you / to / music / what / listening / of / kind / do / ?
What kind of music do you like listening to?
Is it correct? Bryan is very hating his new job.
Bryan really hates his new job.
I __________________ new people, but I'm a little shy.
quite enjoy meeting
enjoy quite meeting
very enjoy to meet
really enjoy to meet
Finish the sentence about you: I'm not very _______ in ...
Finish the sentence about someone in the class: ______ is very good at ______.
Susan is very good at drinking tea.
Finish the sentence about yourself: ________ makes me happy.
Eating chocolate makes me happy.
Finish the sentence about yourself: I find ______ very relaxing.
I find doing English homework very relaxing :-)
Finish the sentence: He can't stand _______
writing emails/ going to work/ wearing a suit/ having a moustache
I'm keen ___________ to play the bagpipes. I love Scottish music!
on learning
with learning
for learning
I _________ in the city centre-it's so stressful and noisy.
hate living
hate live
dislike to live
am crazy for living
I ______ love going hiking in the forest.
He isn't a big ______ ____ cats.
fan of
fun of
fan with
fan for
He _____________ eating spicy food.
can't stand
couldn't stand
can't stand for
doesn't stand
I _____________ Japanese food, but I prefer pasta.
don't mind
didn't mind
am not minding
can't mind
He isn't very ______________.
good at dancing
good in dancing
well at dancing
good at dance
I find watching sport on TV very ______.
He's ____________ playing the guitar.
crazy about
mad for
stupid with
good in
Going to the gym is not really ________
my cup of tea
my kind of tea
my cup of coffee
my glass of wine
the / I'm / going / in / to / interested / spa / really / not
I'm not really interested in going to the spa.