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B1.2 Adults - Passives with some causatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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25. You need to fill in the form with a pen.
The form needs to be filled in with a pen.
24. They won´t sell the house.
The house won´t be sold.
23. CAUSATIVE: The cleaners need to take out our dirty carpets.
We need to have/get our dirty carpets taken out. (by the cleaners)
22. They left the books in the classroom.
The books were left in the classroom.
21. When did they pay you?
When were you paid?
19. CAUSATIVE: The secretary will type out the report for the clients.
The clients will have their/the report typed out. 
18. I remember someone teaching me how to drive.
I remember being taught how to drive.
17. The teacher has to test you on your English grammar.
You have to be tested on your English grammar.
16. Where are you taking the bus?
Where is the bus being taken?
15. CAUSATIVE: The teacher explained the lesson to Serina.
Serina had/ got the lesson explained to her.
14. CAUSATIVE: The thief is taking Harry´s wallet
Harry is having/getting his wallet taken (by the thief)
13. Jessica didn´t clean the hotel rooms.
The hotel rooms weren´t cleaned by Jessica
12. One day machines will do all of our work.
(One day) all our work will be done by machines (one day)
10. The waiter isn´t bringing the customers any drinks.
The customers aren´t being brought any drinks (by the waiter).
9. The security guard must see our passports.
Our passports must be seen by the security guard.
8. Someone woke me up in the middle of the night.
I was woken up in the middle of the night.
4. Where do they make TVs in China?
Where are TVs made in China?
3. People watch those programmes every week.
Those programmes are watched (by people) every week.
2. CAUSATIVE: The shop has delivered the food to the sick people
The sick people have had their/the food delivered. (to them).