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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Not basic
coat, snob, scan, coins, cabin, casino, actions...
For the gram
arm, age, hat, mate, fear, team, after, gator, father, farmer, father...
Early bird
aid, bad, are, dear, bead, yard, delay, ready, barrel, library...
Hello summer
eel, mom, meme, hour, home, horse, house, usher...
ice, grin, nice, rice, ring, reign...
This or that
air, hat, hair, hats, stir, oaths, trash, stair, throat, thirst...
he, cue, guy, hey, hug, chug, huge...
Unfollow me now
elf, low, won, flew, meow, well, moon, noun, felon, lemon, noone, women, fellow, funnel, fullmoon...
Respect the drip
her, rest, seed, here, teeth, three, cheese, tested, secret, stretch, speeder, deserter, retested, respected, stretcher...
Sunday funday
add, and, say, sun, fund, sand, funny, sandy, sauna, sunny...
You go girl
rug, ugly, oily, glory, igloo, googly, urology...
Pizza party
air, art, pat, pay, rap, rat, zip, pair, tarp, zippy, trippy...
Happy dog
god, had, hay, pay, pad, yoga, hoppy...
Yeah no
any, hen, jay, one, ahoy, yeah, honey, hyena...
Oh no not again
hog, tan, hat, anti, gain, goat, than, tango, onion, thing, nation, hating, nothing...
Did you know
ink, won, own, you, down, kind, wind, wink, windy, woody, undid...
Can you not
act, cat, can, cut, toy, aunt, coat, noun, taco, tuna, annoy, canon, count, canyon, toucan, tycoon...
Need a break.
and, bed, era, ran, red, bake, been, dare, knee, nerd, read, bread, drank, banker, darken, earned, ranked...
Stay cool
act, cat, soy, cola, lost, oats, salt, slot, toys, yolo, tacos, tools, salty, costly...
Stay weird
dry, air, raw, was, wet, dare, days, dirt, rate, tear, wear, year, wire, yeast, sweat, trade, ideas, diary, aside, stayed, stride, waiter, writes, sideway...
Be happy
ape, bay, hey, pay, pea, heap, hype, yeah...
Yes please 
apes, else, easy, eels, pass, essay, sleep, asleep...
Can't wait
act, ant, cat, tin, want, wait, tint, twin, attic, await, titan, intact...
Good night
dig, hog, nod, tin, too, hood, into, thin, onto, doing, thing, hotdog...