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Kids' Quiz #1

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you call a floating mass of ice?
The company which produces the iPod?
What percentage of our body weight is water? 40%, 60% or 80%
Which fingernail grows the fastest?
Your middle finger has the fastest growing fingernail.
If a carnivore eats meat, what does a frugivore eat?
A frugivore is a fruit eater.
Iron Man 3 is released this year. What is the name of the new villain? The Mandarin, The Marvellin or The Mandible?
The Mandarin
In 'Finding Nemo', what is Nemo's dad called? Marvin, Marlin or Martin?
From what tree do pine cones come?
Pine trees
What day is it today?
Because Peter's on duty, it must be 8 August. And also there is a watermelon on the ground. For those who didn't know, watermelons ripen in August.
Who was on duty yesterday?
It was Colin was on duty yesterday as he's looking for something in his backpack, which is marked with a "C". As we know, Alex is catching butterflies. James is
Where did Alex go?
Alex is catching butterflies - you can see the scoop net behind the tent.
What time of day is it?
The shadows show the sun is to the east, meaning its morning.
Does the wind blow from the north or from the south?
Look at the flag on top of the tent - shows the wind direction. Also, look at the trees - branches on the southern side are normally longer.
How far away is the closest town?
The lone chicken wandering around means the nearest town can't be far.
How did they get here?
Judging by the oars next to the tree, it was by boat.
When did they arrive, today or a few days ago?
It must have been a few days ago. Check out that spider-web between their tent and a tree.
How many tourists are staying at this camp?
There are four tourists - the clue being the four sets of cutlery on the picnic blanket and the four names on the duty list.
Which desert covers much of northern Africa?
The Sahara Desert
In the game Uno, what does 'Uno' mean?
What is the name of the Australian throwing stick that can return to its thrower?
What is the name of Manchester United’s home ground?
Old Trafford
From what country does Lego come?
Crawl, backstroke and butterfly are different methods in which sport?
What are the young of frogs and toads called?
Feline means relating to what sort of animal?
Cat Family
Which planet is known as “The Red Planet”?
What is the innermost colour of a rainbow?
The African and Asian are the two main forms of which mammal, with their ear size being an easy way to tell which is which?
Which is the only vowel not on the top row of a computer keyboard?
What has the scientific formula H2O?
How many sides does a hexagon have?
What colour are dandelions?
What is the largest planet in the solar system?
From what tree do acorns come?
Oak Trees
Who was created by Gepetto the woodcarver?
Who had an encounter with the three bears?