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Ancient Egypt

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False: Ancient Egyptians only had one God.
True or False: In Ancient Egypt they spoke Burmese.
True or False: Ancient Egypt was a civilisation.
What is this animal called?
A camel
True or False: It rains all the time in Egypt and it is very green there.
True or False: Ancient Egyptians loved cats.
Is the capital city of Egypt London, Cairo or Tokyo?
True or False: Ancient Egyptians believed in life after death.
Was Pharaoh Narmer called the Crocodile King or the Scorpion King?
The Scorpion King
Was Ra the god of the sun or the moon?
The sun
When a Pharaoh died they would put them in a sarcophagus and leave them here?
In the Pyramids
Is Egypt in South America, Africa or Asia?
What do you call this?
A mummy
What are these drawings called?
What is the river in Egypt called?
The Nile River
What is an Egyptian king called?
A Pharaoh
What are these structures called?