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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"It wasn't necessary for me to borrow Tom's tablet." - Tom ______ lend me his tablet. - a) had better - b) didn't have to
b) didn't have to
"You can't go to the movies tonight." - My dad ______ us go to the movies last night. - a) didn't let me - b) didn't have to
a) didn't let me
"I really need a new sweater. This one is too small." - I _____ buy a new sweater. - a) must not - b) had better
b) had better
"You can't bring your dog into this restaurant." - We ______ take our dog into the restaurant. - a) aren't allowed to - b) had better
a) aren't allowed to
"You have to get to school early tomorrow. Practice begins at 7 a.m." - I _______ be late to school tomorrow morning. - a) had better - b) must not
b) must not
"You have to wear a hat and scarf today. It's cold." - My mom ______ me wear a hat and scarf today. - a) made - b) didn't let me
a) made
You ______ spend all evening texting your friends. Do something else instead. - a) shouldn't - b) had better
a) shouldn't
We ________ turn off our phones in school. We can't use them in class. - a) have to - b) don't have to
a) have to
My parents don't _______ to use my computer after 8 p.m. They don't want me to be on it all night. - a) let me - b) allow me
b) allow me
We ______ eat in the library. It's against the rules. a) are not allowed to - b) had better
a) are not allowed to
He ______ buy a new tablet. He already had one. - a) had better - b) didn't need to
b) didn't need to
You ______ eat too many sweets. They're bad for your teeth. - a) don't have to - b) aren't supposed to
b) aren't supposed to