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Peppa Pig Making Pizza

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are Peppa and George doing in their room?
They're playing with their toys in their room.
What are they doing?
They're enjoying their pizzas outside. Yummy!
What are Mommy Pig and Daddy Pig doing?
They're tidying up the mess on the table.
Where are Peppa and George going?
They're going upstairs to play.
What's Daddy Pig doing?
He's grating cheese on his pizza.
What are they mixing together in the bowl?
They are mixing water and flour together to make the dough.
What's Daddy Pig doing?
He's wiping the table clean.
What are they doing?
They're washing their hands.
What is Mommy Pig bringing to the table?
She's bringing olives and mushrooms to the table.
What's Daddy Pig putting on the table?
He's putting sweet corn on the table.