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For what purpose was the Alamo originally built?
Catholic Mission
Name two accomplishments of the Lewis & Clark Expedition.
New maps of unknown area, discovery of many new animal and plant species, trading relationships with Native Americans, passes thru Rocky Mountains discovered.
How long did the Lewis & Clark Expedition take?
Approximately two years.
Who lived in North America long before the arrival of the Europeans?
Native Americans (Indians)
How old was Sacajawea?
15 years old
Why did France sell Louisiana?
Napoleon had his hands full with problems at home. He needed the money and felt that France's territory in North American would be too hard to defend.
Name two ways transportation improved in the early 1900's?
Building of canals & railroads.
What were the first names of Lewis & Clark?
Merriweather (Lewis), William (Clark
What was the name of U.S. territory created by Congress in 1787 encompassing the region lying west of Pennsylvania, north of the Ohio River, east of the Mississippi River, and south of the Great Lakes?
Northwest Territory
Who led the Texan army that met the Mexicans at the Battle of San Jacinto?
Sam Houston
What was the battle cry of the Battle of San Jacinto?
"Remember the Alamo"
What tool or weapon is James Bowie famous for?
Bowie Knife
Who was William Travis?
Commander of the Alamo.
Did Lewis & Clark find a water route to the Pacific Ocean?
What was the name of Sacajawea's baby?
Who was Sacajawea?
She was the 15-year old Indian girl who helped to translate for the expedition.
The Lewis & Clark expedition would have failed if not for the help of who?
The Indians they met along their route.
In what U.S. city did the Lewis & Clark expedition start?
St. Louis
What was the main purpose of the Lewis & Clark Expedition?
To find a continuous water route to the Pacific Ocean.
Who led the expedition to explore the new lands purchased from France?
Merriweather Lewis and William Clark
How much did the U.S. pay for the Louisiana Territory?
$15 million (or $0.03 an acre)
Which American president purchased the Louisiana Territory?
James Monroe
Which French ruler sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States?
Who won the Battle of San Jacinto?
Who led the Mexican Army against the Texan forces?
Santa Anna