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Hansel and Gretel RAZ Vocabulary

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"Hansel almost envied his sister, who was too young to remember happier times." What does ENVIED mean in this sentence?
Felt jealous of another person's qualities or good fortune
Loved more than anyone else in the world
Felt confused about how someone behaved
"Father furtively gave a small piece of bread to Hansel and said, 'Sshhh, here's our last piece of bread.'" What does FURTIVELY mean in this sentence?
"He and his sister played marbles with the huge, sparkling gemstones." What are GEMSTONES?
Minerals that can be cut, polished, and used in jewelry
Old, dull marbles
A type of rock that can be found on the ground
German toys
"She brought out a dirty rag and rusty bucket, which looked loathsome against the pretty, sugared walls of the candy house." What does LOATHSOME mean int his sentence?
Very unpleasant. Causing extreme disgust
Perfectly belonging
More beautiful than anything around it
Stylish and sophisticated
"In a sunny meadow sat a quaint cottage made entirely of sweets!" What does QUAINT mean in this sentence?
Pleasantly old-fashioned or unusual
Incredibly ugly
Made of metal
Broken apart and destroyed
"The woman seized his arm in her clawlike grasp." What does SEIZED mean in this sentence?
Took control by force
Let go of
Touched loosely
Ran away from
"'Get back to work!,' the woman snarled, her voice suddenly low and cruel." What does SNARLED mean in this sentence?
Growled aggressively or said something in an angry way
Cried with tears flowing down the face
Shouted in a high-pitched voice
Whispered shyly
"Father said, 'Your stepmother and I don't have enough food to feed you.'" What does STEPMOTHER mean in this sentence?
A woman who has married a child's father
A wicked witch
A beautiful princess
Your mother's sister
"Swooning with sugar, Hansel and Gretel happily followed the old woman inside." What does SWOONING mean in this sentence?
Becoming overwhelmed with excitement or joy
No emotions; couldn't care less
Terrified and trying to avoid something
Filled with anger and rage
"When the children were finally full, the woman made up an enormous feather bed and drew a treasure chest from her shelf." What does TREASURE mean in this sentence?
Something that is very special or valuable
Something no one cares about
A piece of candy
Some garbage you throw out
"Hansel tore the bread into crumbs and dropped them as he walked, marking their path as Father trudged deeper and deeper into the forest." What does TRUDGED mean in this sentence?
Walked slowly and tiredly
Ran as fast as you could
Swam swiftly
Flew through the sky
"Gretel didn't see the cage door close, but she heard the click and saw a wicked smile flash across the old woman's face." What does WICKED mean in this sentence?
Very mean or bad
Kind and helpful
Strange or unusual
Pretty and eye-catching