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Names of Dogs

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are you enjoying your moment?
What is a Chunky Dog?
A Chow-Chow!
What is a Dog that Looks like A Mop???
A Komondar!
What is a random Dog???
A Boykin Spaniel!
What is a snacky Dog?
A Shcdoodle!
What is a cute Dog??
A PeekaPoo!
What is a dog close to another Speices
A Maltese!
What is a harry Dog?
A YorkShire Terrier!
What is a Loud Dog?
A Polmaranion!
What is a Longgg Dog?
A Harrier!
What do you call a not so Friendly Dog?
What is quet Cute Dog?
A Pug!
what is a fierce dog?
A Pitbull!
What is a Protective Dog?
A Guard Dog!
What Is a common Dog?
A Poodle!
What is a Dog full of polkadots?
A Dalmation!