Edit Game
Prepare 4 unit 12

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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An animal like a small horse with long ears
A large Australian animal that moves by jumping on its back legs
A small, green animal with long back legs for jumping that lives in or near water
That boy has given his dad a present. It _______ his birthday or perhaps he’s saying ‘Thank you’. Complete the sentence with could live | can’t live | must feel | might have | can’t have | must be | might be | can’t be
That boy has given his dad a present. It might be his birthday or perhaps he’s saying ‘Thank you’.
My teacher is opening the door of that house with some keys. He ______ live there. Complete the sentence with: could live | can’t live | must feel | might have | can’t have | must be | might be | can’t be
My teacher is opening the door of that house with some keys. He could live there.
It’s raining heavily. Maybe we should go the cinema or _______ get together at my house. Complete the sentence with definitely, definitely not or perhaps.
It’s raining heavily. Maybe we should go the cinema or Perhaps get together at my house.
I’m _______ going to school tomorrow. It’s closed! Complete the sentence with definitely, definitely not or perhaps.
I’m definitely not going to school tomorrow. It’s closed!
She says this is ________her book as it has her coffee stains on it. Complete with definitely/ definitely not/perhaps/probably
She says this is definitely her book as it has her coffee stains on it.
This photo is _________from the 1960s but I am not sure. Complete with definitely/definitely not/perhaps/probably.
This photo is probably from the 1960s but I am not sure.
I am not certain but perhaps the zoo opens in the summer.
phone/definitely/are/mum and dad/buy/going to/another/me/not
Mum and dad are definitely not going to buy me another phone.
probably/to/tomorrow/the dolphins/going/we are/see
We are probably going to see the dolphins tomorrow.
probably/a/that/famous painting/is/very
That is probably a very famous painting.
our brother/perhaps/help/with /your work/can/you
Perhaps your brother can help you with your homework.
is/this/not/definitely/cat/my - Order the words.-
This is definitely not my cat.
It’s brown and it’s got a long neck so it’s __________a giraffe. - Complete the sentences with definitely, definitely not or perhaps.
It’s brown and it’s got a long neck so it’s definitely a giraffe.
John hasn’t come to school today. I’m sure he’s ill. Rephrase using must, can`t, or might.
John hasn’t come to school today. He must be ill.
Perhaps his arm is broken. He can’t move it. Rephrase - using must, can’t and might
His arm might be broken. He can’t move it
A large wild cat that has yellow fur with black lines on it