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Sera, Sera, where are you?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is she here?
You've found Key of Life
Is she here?
You've found Key of Life
Is she here?
Oh no. You are encountered by the Slender Man!
Is she here?
Oh no. You are encountered by the Hyena!
Is she here?
Oh no. You are encountered by the Thing!
Is she here?
Oh no. You are encountered by the Cutie Cat!
Is she here?
Oh no. You are encountered by the Tyrant!
Is she here?
Oh no. You are encountered by Isabella!
Is she here?
Oh no. You are encountered by Jigoku Shoujo!
Is she here?
Oh no. You are encountered by the Rain Cloud!
Is she here?
Oh no. You are encountered by the Russian Experiment!
Is she here?
Oh no. You are encountered by the Outcast Roots!
Is she here?
Oh no. You are encountered by the Claws!
Is she here?
Oh no. You are encountered by the Siren!
Is she here?
Oh no. You are encountered by the Shadow!
Is she here?
Oh no. You are encountered by the Creeper!
Is she here?
Congratulations! You've found Sera.
Is she here?
Congratulations! You've found Sera.
Is she here?
Congratulations! You've found Sera.
Is she here?
Congratulations! You've found Sera.
Is she here?
Congratulations! You've found Sera.
Is she here?
Congratulations! You've found Sera.
Is she here?
Oh no. You are encountered by the Scary Mommy
Is she here?
Congratulations! You've found Sera.