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Conversation time!!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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116. If you could have a date with any of the celebrities, who would it be?
- personal answer -
113. Did you ever eat something that was terrible?
- personal answer -
111. Tell me a curious fact about you
- personal answer -
106. Can you share one habit of yours that you found cool as a teen but now even it’s memories embarrass you?
- personal answer -
105. What is the craziest business you have ever heard of?
- personal answer -
104. How would you feel in a world where people would actually start singing and dancing out of nowhere like in musicals?
- personal answer -
103. What is the most freaking or weird thing you saw in someone’s purse?
- personal answer -
102. As a guest, how weird can you be?
- personal answer -
101. What is the one thing that people consider trashy but you find classy?
- personal answer -
100. Can you tell me something that annoys you?
- personal answer -
99. Which is the scariest children’s movie, according to you?
- personal answer -
98. According to you, which animal would be the most sarcastic one if it could talk?
- personal answer -
97. What is the best thing to use as a replacement to toilet paper?
- personal answer -
96. Did you ever have an embarrassing victory? What was it about?
- personal answer -
95. If you have to insult someone what is the most creative insult you can think about?
- personal answer -
94. Suppose you won the lottery of 1 million dollars, but you have to use it in a single day, how would you use it?
- personal answer -
93. What one thing someone used to do for you thinking you liked it while you secretly hated it?
- personal answer -
92. If you could have one useless superpower, which one would it be?
- personal answer -
91. Which is the song that you secretly like but don’t tell others because it is weird?
- personal answer -
90. What one thing can you ask for in a grocery store to get the weirdest look?
- personal answer -
89. What one outfit can you wear in public to piss most people? Did you try it out?
- personal answer -
88. Did you ever try to look cool showing off your sporty skills and made a fool of yourself in the end?
- personal answer -
87. Have you ever called someone with a weird name publicly mistaking them to be someone else?
- personal answer -
86. Aliens or ghosts – what seems to be more realistic?
- personal answer -
85. Who is one person who is most likely to be a serial killer?
- personal answer -
84. Can you make yourself seem like a psychopath by just one text?
- personal answer -
83. What is the weirdest excuse someone gave you for not texting back in time?
- personal answer -
82. What is the strangest place you had to spend your night?
- personal answer -
81. If you had to, what kind of secret society would you begin?
- personal answer -
80. What gift would you pick for your enemy?
- personal answer -
79. If you could cosplay in the birthday party of the meanest person you know, what character would you play?
- personal answer -
78. What flavor would be the funniest to add for an ice cream?
- personal answer -
77. Tell me the weirdest fact that ruined your day.
- personal answer -
76. What is the creepiest message you ever got?
- personal answer -
75. Did you ever play dumb to avoid work?
- personal answer -
74. What one invisible thing you wished was visible?
- personal answer -
73. Suppose you randomly ran into God. What would you tell God?
- personal answer -
72. If your life was a movie, what would you name it?
- personal answer -
71. Tell me anything about you that I won’t believe.
- personal answer -
70. Did you ever pretend not to hear someone’s calling to avoid work?
- personal answer -
69. On a scale of 1-10, how lucky are you?
- personal answer -
68. Did you ever try helping someone that got all wrong?
- personal answer -
67. Did you ever create a rumor, intentionally or unintentionally? What was that?
- personal answer -
66. When was the last time you wanted to punch someone?
- personal answer -
65. Did you ever try something too confidently but failed miserably?
- personal answer -
64. How many times do you wear a t-shirt before washing it?
- personal answer -
63. When was the last time you skipped a shower? For how many days?
- personal answer -
62. Can you offend someone without doing anything offensive? How?
- personal answer -
61. What do you think is the quickest way to hurt someone’s ego? Is it enough to hurt your ego too?
- personal answer -
60. If you could change one thing about any of your favorite sports to make it funny, what would you do?
- personal answer -
59. What was the weirdest hobby you ever heard about?
- personal answer -
58. If you could change one thing about human anatomy, what would be that?
- personal answer -
57. What is the weirdest face you can make? Do it now!
- personal answer -
56. If you had to create an unconventional dumb and weak protagonist for a video game, what would it be like?
- personal answer -
55. What was the dumbest way in which you hurt yourself ever?
- personal answer -
54. If you had to, what crazy name would you choose for your kid to make them embarrassed for life?
- personal answer -
53. Can you share a secret talent of yours that can make others feel jealous of you?
- personal answer -
52. Who is the dumbest celebrity according to you? And why do you think so?
- personal answer -
51. What is the most useless gift you ever got?
- personal answer -
50. How many animal’s sounds can you make? Show!
- personal answer -
49. What one song or music is your ultimate definition of annoyance?
- personal answer -
48. Hair or teeth – what is more important to look good?
- personal answer -
47. What is the weirdest food combination you can think about?
- personal answer -
46. Do you think it’s a good idea to be able to sleep whenever and wherever you want?
- personal answer -
45. What weird kind of sound can you make?
- personal answer -
44. If you could create a new fashion accessory that should essentially make people look crazy, what would it be?
- personal answer -
43. What are the craziest pizza toppings you ever tried?
- personal answer -
42. Which fairy tales do you find most ridiculous or utter nonsense?
- personal answer -
41. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Prove it.
- personal answer -
40. If you could get the power of hearing what a person is thinking, but this applies to one person, whom would you choose?
- personal answer -
39. What was your most daring step ever?
- personal answer -
38. Share your dumbest school experience.
- personal answer -
37. What was the dumbest thing you did in a restaurant?
- personal answer -
36. Did you ever disclose someone’s secret that you promised you wouldn’t?
- personal answer -
35. What are the dumbest main lead fictional characters you’ve ever seen?
- personal answer -
34. Have you ever written a love letter to someone?
- personal answer -
33. Did you ever visit a place in a completely inappropriate choice of outfit?
- personal answer -
32. What was the weirdest outfit you ever had?
- personal answer -
31. Did you ever get too drunk to even remember your name? Or else, what was your craziest drunk experience?
- personal answer -
30. What is the poorest grade you ever scored in an exam?
- personal answer -
29. If you could change the color of your eyes to anything that doesn’t look natural at all, which color would you choose?
- personal answer -
28. What would you choose if you have to leave one – eyebrows or eyelashes?
- personal answer -
27. What is your favorite slang?
- personal answer -
26. Have you ever eaten a cookie that fell on the floor?
- personal answer -
25. If you could eat food for the rest of your life only when you do something productive, what are the chances of your survival?
- personal answer -
24. Who is most likely to be a psychopath among your friends?
- personal answer -
23. Can you describe the craziest person you ever met, enough for our guessing, without naming the person you’re talking about?
- personal answer -
22. What was the dumbest answer you ever gave in an oral exam in school?
- personal answer -
21. What was the most exaggerated yet supposedly true story you ever heard?
- personal answer -
20. For how many days can you do fine without taking a shower? And what about staying without brushing your teeth?
- personal answer -
19. If you could make a tv show that is about your best friend’s life, what would you name it?
- personal answer -
18. Give one example of your super laziness.
- personal answer -
17. What was the craziest thing you have ever written in your answer sheet?
- personal answer -
16. Suppose you meet your ex after a really long time, what would be your first reaction?
- personal answer -
15. Name one thing you possess that you absolutely refuse to share.
- personal answer -
14. What was the most ridiculous lie someone said on your face?
- personal answer -
13. If you could charge a million dollars for a service provided by you, what would that be?
- personal answer -
12. What was the smartest lie you ever told? You’re not lying now, right?
- personal answer -
11. When was the last time you got super mad at someone? And why so?
- personal answer -
10. What would you do if you got invisible for a day?
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9. Describe the funniest thing you’ve seen someone doing in Walmart.
- personal answer -
8. What was the most embarrassing thing you did in public transport?
- personal answer -
7. Can you share your biggest DIY fail story?
- personal answer -
6. What is one completely useless thing that you can spend hours doing?
- personal answer -
5. Have you ever waved at someone to realize later that they are the wrong person?
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4. What was the best excuse you ever made for not attending a class at school that solved the situation?
- personal answer -
3. What was the most horrible-tasting dish you ever made?
- personal answer -
2. If you had something written on your face, what would it be?
- personal answer -
1. How would you describe spiciness to someone who has never tasted anything spicy in life?
- personal answer -