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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My dog be a puppy, but now it's big.
My dog used to be a puppy, but now it's big.
My friends and I play with each other a lot, but now we don't have time.
My friends and I used to play with each other a lot, but now we don't have time.
My dad be bald, but now he has lots of hair.
My dad used to be bald, but now he has lots of hair.
I be ten years old, but now I'm eleven.
I used to be ten years old, but now I'm eleven.
I ride my bicycle to school, but now I walk.
I used to ride my bicycle to school, but now I walk.
We go to Jeju Island every year, but now we don't.
We used to go to Jeju Island every year, but now we don't.
My sister cry a lot, but now he doesn't.
My sister used to cry a lot, but now he doesn't.
I live in Mexico, but now I live in Korea.
I used to live in Mexico, but now I live in Korea.
My sister have long hair, but now she has short hair.
My sister used to have long hair, but now she has short hair.
We have two hamsters, but we don't have anymore.
We used to have two hamsters, but we don't have anymore.
My mom love ice cream, but doesn't love it anymore.
My mom used to love ice cream, but doesn't love it anymore.
I like chocolate, but I don't like it now.
I used to like chocolate, but I don't like it now.
I have a teddy bear, but I don't have one now.
I used to have a teddy bear, but I don't have one now.
I have one sister, but now I have two sisters.
I used to have one sister, but now I have two sisters.
They watch soccer on T.V., but now they watch baseball.
They used to watch soccer on T.V., but now they watch baseball.
She have curly hair now, but now it's straight.
She used to have curly hair, but now it's straight
I walk to school with Mom. But I don't now.
I used to walk to school with Mom.
He work all night. But he doesn't now.
He used to work all night.