Edit Game
vocabulary 6 unit 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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20. Tired: when you're exhausted and you already want to go to sleep
Adjective: I'm so tired of decorating the cafeteria for tomorrow. why are you going to celebrate a kid´s birthday in a cafeteria, WHY?
19. Embarrassed: when they touch on a topic that makes you uncomfortable I think (I didn't know how to explain :l )
Adjetive: you got embarrassed UwU jsjsjs
18. Annoyed: engry
Adjetive: she is annoyed, no?
17. Nervous: when how are you worried that it will happen or something will
Adjetive: I'm nervous very very nervous about the interview
16. Thrilled: when you love something
Adjetive: this thrilled me
15. Threatened: Like when they tell you *I'm going to kill you if you don't give me all your money by tomorrow* or something
Adjetive: I am threatened ?
14. Shocked: When you're so surprised you think like *what*
Adjetive: he was so shocked that he didn't move
13. Puzzled: be surprised
Adjetive: I was puzzled
12. Proud: to be satisfied because you or other people achieved something
Adjetive: I'm proud of you
11. Pleased: when is enough or happy 
Adjetive: i am pleased
10. Outraged: when you get offended and you stay ha (ha outraged)
Adjetive: HA, I am outraged 
9. Irritated: when someone or you are annoyed and you don't want to know anything about the world :) or or someone annoying
Adjetive: I am irritated, ok? >:l
8. Guilty: when yes did
Adjective: -You are guilty >:V - Excuse me, who is it?
7. Grumpy: gets angry easily or you almost always is
Adjetive: you are very grumpy
6. Glum: disappointed or unhappy, and quiet
5. Frightened: when something scares you
Adjetive: I FRIGHTENED!!!
4. Drowsy: when you are very tired and you are almost dying of sleep
Adjetive: I’m very drowsy
3. Calm: when you are in + or - peace
Adjetive: WHY YO DON´T CALM >:V
2. Ashamed: to be embarrassed to somting
Adjetive: I am very ashamed :<
1. Anxious: worried and nervous
Adjective: I am very anxious :D