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Estrangeirismos no Brazil

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the meaning of FAKE?
Fake is "falso" ou "fingir"
What's the meaning of HOME OFFICE?
Home is "casa", office is "escritório" = Escritório em casa
What's the meaning of LOCKDOWN?
Lock is "trancar", Lockdown is "confinamento"
What's the meaning of E-MAIL?
'E' stands for ELECTRONIC and mail is "correio", "correspondência"
What's the meaning of CHEESEBURGUER?
Cheese is "queijo" and burguer is "carne processada" = Xis
What's the meaning of MOUSE?
Mouse is "camundongo" or "mouse"...
What's the meaning of BABY-SITTER?
Baby is "bebê", sit is "sentar" = Babá
What's the meaning of DELIVERY?
Deliver is "entregar", delivery is "entrega"
What's the meaning of WIRELESS?
Wire is "fio" and less is "sem" = Internet sem fio
What's the meaning of SHOPPING?
Shopping is "compras"
What's the meaning of HOT DOG?
Hot is "quente" and dog is "cachorro"
What's the meaning of SERIAL KILLER?
Serial is "em série", Kill is "matar" and killer is "assassino"
What's the meaning of PAPAYA?
Papaya is "mamão"
What's the meaning of STRIP-TEASE?
Strip is "despir-se" and tease is "provocar"
What's the meaning of MILK SHAKE?
Milk is "leite" and shake is "sacudir"
What's the meaning of FITNESS?
Boa forma
What's the meaning of LIGHT?
Leve, de baixa caloria
What's the meaning of GENTLEMAN?
Gentle is "gentil" and man is "homem"= Cavalheiro
What's the meaning of FREEWAY?
Free is "livre", way is "caminho" = Rodovia
What's the meaning of FREEZER?
Freeze is "congelar", freezer is "congelador"
What's the meaning of NEWS?
Notícia (s)
What's the meaning of FASHION?
What's the meaning of BAND-AID?
Band is "bandagem" and "aid" is "ajuda" = CURATIVO
What's the meaning of POPCORN?
Pop is "estourar" and Corn is "milho" = Pipoca