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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(SECOND CONDITIONAL) If we ________________ (not/be) so tired, we ________________ (go) out.
If we weren't so tired, we would go out.
(THIRD CONDITIONAL) If I ________________ (not/go) to the party, I ________________ (not/meet) Amanda.
If I had not gone to the party, I wouldn't have met Amanda.
(SECOND CONDITIONAL) If Julie ________________ (like) chocolate, I ________________ (give) her some.
If Julie liked chocolate, I would give her some.
(SECOND CONDITIONAL) If you ________________ (arrive) early, it ________________ (be) less stressful.
If you arrived early, it would be less stressful.
(FIRST CONDITIONAL) If she ________________ (go) to the library, she ________________ (study) more.
If she goes to the library, she will study more.
(THIRD CONDITIONAL) If Luke ________________ (not/send) flowers to his mother, she ________________ (not/be) happy.
If Luke had not sent flowers to his mother, she would not have been happy.
(SECOND CONDITIONAL) If José ________________ (not/speak) good French, he ________________ (not/move) to Paris.
If José didn't speak good French, he wouldn't move to Paris.
(FIRST CONDITIONAL) If I ________________ (not/go) to bed soon, I ________________ (be) tired in the morning.
If I don't go to bed soon, I will be tired in the morning.
(SECOND CONDITIONAL) If Lucy ________________ (have) enough time, she ________________ (travel) more.
If Lucy had enough time, she would travel more.
(THIRD CONDITIONAL) If Julie ________________ (not/go) to Sweden, she ________________ (go) to Germany.
If Julie had not gone to Sweden, she would have gone to Germany.
(THIRD CONDITIONAL) If we ________________ (tidy) our flat, we ________________ (not/lose) our keys.
If we had tidied our flat, we wouldn't have lost our keys.
(SECOND CONDITIONAL) If I ________________ (want) a new car, I ________________ (buy) one.
If I wanted a new car, I would buy one.
(THIRD CONDITIONAL) If the baby ________________ (sleep) better last night,, I ________________ (not/be) so tired.
If the baby had slept better last night, I would not have been so tired.
(FIRST CONDITIONAL) If the teacher ________________ (give) us lots of homework this weekend, I ________________ (not/be) happy.
If the teacher gives us lots of homework this weekend, I will not be happy.
(FIRST CONDITIONAL) If she ________________ (not/go) to the meeting, I ________________ (not/go) either.
If she doesn't go to the meeting, I won't go either.
(SECOND CONDITIONAL) If she ________________ (have) her computer, she ________________ (email) me.
If she had her computer, she would email me.
(THIRD CONDITIONAL) If the students ________________ (not/be) late for the exam, they ________________ (pass).
If the students hadn't been late for the exam, they would have passed.