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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Se leikkii pallolla.
It plays with a ball.
Hän ei pelaa lentopalloa.
He/she doesn't play volleyball.
Hän juttelee kavereidensa kanssa.
He/she chats with his/her friends.
Minä en juo maitoa.
I don't drink milk.
Hän ei soita rympuja.
He/she doesn't paly the drums.
Sillä on siniset silmät.
It has blue eyes.
Hän tekee elokuvia.
He/she makes movies.
Hän pitää toukokuusa.
He/she likes May.
Hän ei pidä kalapuikoista.
He/she doesn't like fish fingers/sticks.
Hänellä on viisi robottia.
He/she has five robots.
Sillä on pitkä häntä.
It has a long tail.
Sillä ei ole suuria hampaita.
It doesn't have big teeth.
Hänellä ei ole käärmettä.
He/She doesn't have a snake.
Hänellä on koira.
He/She has a dog.
My parents (rakastavat) me so much.
Minä puhun.
I talk/speak.
We (menemme) to school every day.
This kid always (on) glasses.
The sun (on) beautiful.
Mom (puhuu) to me about class every afternoon.
The kids always (kuuntelevat) to their teacher.
Plants (tarvitsevat) sunlight.
Dad (ajaa) his car safely and carefully.
I always (nukun) late.
He (juoksee) a marathon for fun every month.