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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can my daughter try on this dress? Amanda asked the shop assistant. COULD Amanda asked the shop assistant ..............on the dress.
if her daughter could try
James has baked an elaborate cake for the celebration.. MADE An elaborate cake .................................for the celebration.
has been made by James
The waiter gave me some advice on what to order for my main course. RECOMMENDED.My main course .................................... the waiter.
was recommended by
I ate out more in the past than I do now. USED. I don´t eat out ...........to.
as much as I used
It is important to eat healthily. DIET. Having.............is of great importance.
a healthy diet
You need to cook this chicken for longer, said Berty. ENOUGH THis chicken hasn´t .......,said Berty
been cooked for long enough
I think you should rest, said the doctor. ADVISED The doctor........................................some rest.
advised me to get
How did Jane persuade you to help her with her project? TALK. How did Jane .........................her with her project?
talk you into helping
It hasn´t stopped raing al day so I can´t go out! WOULD. I ............raining so I could go out!
it would stop
It´s a pity Sarah didn´t tell us which bus to take to her house. OUGHT. Sarah ......us which bus to take to her house
ought to have told
You really shouldn`t be nasty to your sister! Dad said to me. OFF. Dad told...................being nasty to my sister.
me off for
It´s a pity I forgot to bring my jacket with me , because it´s absolutely freezing! WISH. I.........to bring my jacket with me , because it´s absolutely freezing!
wish I had remebered / I hadn´t forgotten
Marta always starts to talk about something else when I try to discuss the project with her .SUBJECT Marta changes.........time I try to discuss the project with her.
the subject every/each
Seeing Pete sitting in the cafe was a real surprise. EXPECTED. I really .....Pete sitting in the cafe.
hadn´t expected to see
Could you look after my sister for a minute , please? EYE: Could you ............my sister for a minute , please?
keep an eye on
Last year, the number of complaints about the leisure centre rose. INCREASE. Last year, there ....... the number of complaints about the leisure centre.
was an increase in
Sorry ,I completely forgot the time so I missed the bus. REALISE. Sorry I ................the time was so I missed the bus.
didn´t realise what